Terms and Conditions of Use

Owner of website and its content

Esporão, S.A. (“Esporão”) is a commercial enterprise with head offices at Herdade do Esporão, 7200-999 Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal, registered at the relevant Commercial Registry under the single registration and tax number 500116377. 

This website and all of its contents belong to Esporão (unless indicated otherwise). 

These Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy and Cookies Policies reproduced below are also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to the following Esporão websites: 

  • festivalmontevelho.pt 
  • quintadoameal.com 
  • maisdevagar.pt 
  • maisdevagar.com 
  • montevelho.com

Access to the website and its content

By initiating navigation and/or interaction with this website, users accept the Terms and Conditions laid out below. 

Access to the website is available to all users, except for the “Wine and Olive Oils” section and some wine-related content. These sections are restricted to individuals of legal age to consume alcohol, according to the laws of the country where the website is accessed (in Portugal, the jurisdiction where Esporão is established, the user should be aged 18 years or over to access content regarding alcoholic beverages). Direct access is given to product pages that do not belong to the “alcoholic beverages” category. 

Esporão is free to alter these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. 

Users should not use and should leave this website if: 

a) They do not accept the Terms and Conditions describedherein;

b) They intend to access alcohol-related content and are not of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages in their country or the location from which they access thewebsite;

c) They are in a country that prohibits the use or display of the content of this website.

Using the website’s content

Users may print or have third parties print any downloadable content on this website to their computer or any other similar device, under the following conditions: 

a) The content is solely for private and non-commercial use;

b) No indication of copyright or other indication of ownership is removed;

c) The content is not altered under any circumstances.

The content is provided to users solely for information and promotional purposes. Esporão does not guarantee the reliability, veracity or accuracy of the information and is not responsible for any possible errors. 

Warranty Disclaimer

This website is accessed at the user’s own risk. This website and its content are provided without any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights and suitability for a specific purpose. Esporão does not guarantee that access to this website will be uninterrupted and/or free of errors or disruptions. Likewise, there is no guarantee that this website will be secure or free from viruses and/or other harmful material, or that the information contained in this website is complete, accurate or timely. 

Esporão reserves the right to, at any time, restrict or block access to this website, or any feature or part of it, with or without prior notice. 

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, neither Esporão, nor its affiliates, nor any third party involved in the creation, production or dissemination of this website, will be liable for any loss, damage or cost, whether contractual, non-contractual (including negligence) or otherwise, arising from reliance on the information contained on this website. This also expressly excludes liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential and punitive damages, lost profits and damages resulting from the lost data or the interruption of website activity arising from or regarding the use or inability to use this website and its content, whether based on warranty, contract, unlawful or any other legal theory, regardless of whether Esporão has been negligent or has been warned of the possibility of such damage. 


Without prejudice to the measures provided in the general law, users hereby compensate and exonerate Esporão from all liabilities arising from the misuse of this website and/or breach of these Terms and Conditions. 

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Portuguese Law. Users irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of the courts located in Lisbon, Portugal, in relation to any dispute arising and/or relating to these Terms and Conditions and/or the use of this website. 

Communication to this website

Any communication or other content submitted to this website, whether via email, a message to a discussion group, by sending a file or in any other manner, will be considered non-confidential and non-exclusive. 

By submitting content to this website, users automatically grant Esporão a free, perpetual (or for the maximum time period permitted by the applicable law), irrevocable and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, edit, translate, distribute, execute and display such content separately and/or as a part of other work in any manner, media and/or technology that is currently known or may be developed in the future and, in addition, to sub-license such rights to third parties under the same conditions. If necessary, and at the request and expense of Esporão, users should confirm these rights granted to Esporão through a separate signed document. 

Users agree that Esporão is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in any content they submit to this website, regardless of the underlying purpose of such submission, including, but not limited to, the development, manufacture and sale of products. It is also hereby clarified that Esporão is not required to give users any compensation or recognition in exchange for such use. If users do not agree to these conditions, they should abstain from sending such to the website. 

Users agree not to submit any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, pornographic or profane content to this website and/or any other content that may constitute or encourage any unlawful conduct. Esporão will cooperate with all relevant authorities regarding the application of the law in force and will also respect all judicial decisions requesting or ordering Esporão to reveal the identity or help locate users who submit such content. 

Esporão does not previously screen or monitor content submitted to this website by third parties and is not responsible for screening or monitoring that type of content. When notified, Esporão may investigate an allegation that content submitted to this website breaches these Terms and Conditions and may determine that the content be removed. 

It is hereby clarified that, except in cases of order from the courts or a law enforcement body, or in case of obvious illegality, Esporão is under no obligation to remove content submitted to the website by third parties and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from or relating to this type of content, including, but not limited to, any error, defamation, slander, perfidy, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, danger or inaccuracy contained in such content. 

Esporão assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any deed or content submitted by users or any third party on or off this website, and does not endorse the content of any of those sites. Users accessing and visiting any of those third party sites do so at their own risk. 

General Provisions

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is considered to be null by any court with valid jurisdiction, the nullity of those provisions will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions, which will remain in full force. 

Other Information

Pursuant to the terms in article 18 of Law n.º 144/2015, of 8 September, in the case of consumer dispute, the consumer may appeal to: 

CNIACC – Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo (National Centre for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes) 

Tel.: 213 847 484; Email: cniacc@unl.pt 

Web: www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org 

Privacy Policy

The Personal Data Protection Law (hereinafter “LPDP”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016, onwards “GDPR”) ensure the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. 

This privacy and data protection policy (“Privacy Policy”) concerns the processing of personal data performed by ESPORÃO and collected through the website: 

From now on, these websites together referred to as the “Platform”: 

ESPORÃO is in the right to protect the personal data (“Personal Data”) of its customers and users, hereinafter referred to as “Users” or individually as “User”, made available on the Platform, adopting a policy subject to high standards of privacy and which stands out for the rigor in maintaining the confidentiality, loyalty and integrity of personal data. 

In this context, they have developed the Privacy Policy, which aims, inter alia, to make known to its Users the situations in which they process Personal Data, namely how and why they are collected, to whom they disclose, how they protect their privacy when they visit or use the services made available on the Platform, as well as their rights in relation to the processing of Personal Data performed. 

The collection and processing of personal data carried out by ESPORÃO complies with the provisions of the legislation of protection of personal data in effect, in particular with the GDPR and LPDP. 

What is Personal Data? 

Personal Data means any information of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or other specific elements of his physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity, shall be considered identifiable. 

Other important settings: 

Supervisory Authority – an independent public authority established by a Member State of the European Union, with responsibility for monitoring the application of the GDPR and the LPDP, in order to defend the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons in relation to processing and facilitating the free movement of data within the European Union. In Portugal, the supervisory authority is the National Data Protection Commission (“CNPD”). 

Consent – expression of will, free, specific, informed and explicit, by which the data subject accepts, by means of an unequivocal positive statement or act, that the Personal Data concerning him is processed for a certain purpose. 

Data protection officer (“DPO”) – a person or entity appointed to ensure, in an organization, the conformity of the processing of personal data with the GDPR, ensuring efficient communication with the holders of personal data and cooperation with the supervisory authorities concerned. 

Controller – Natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that, individually or in conjunction with others, determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data. 

LPDP – Law No 58/2019 of 8 August ensures the implementation, in the national legal order, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data 

GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation (EU) of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. 

Processor – natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of ESPORÃO as controller. 

Personal Data Holder – identified or identifiable natural person to whom the Personal Data collected on the Platform relates, i.e. the Users of the Platform. 

Processing(s) – operation or set of operations carried out on personal data or on sets of personal data, by automated or non-automated means, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, retention, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, payment or destruction. 

Third party – natural or legal person, public authority, service or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorized to process personal data. 

Who is the Controller of Personal Data? 

ESPORÃO is the Controller of your Personal Data collected through the website. 

In the capacity of responsibility for the treatment, reserves the right to subcontract other entities to carry out such Treatment on their behalf and on their behalf. 

It is informed that ESPORÃO is not obliged to designate a Data Protection Officer under the GDPR and LPDP. 

What types of Personal Data are collected, what are the purposes and their legal grounds? 

Under the GDPR and LPDP, the collection of Personal Data can only be made if there is a legal basis for its Processing. 

Accordingly, ESPORÃO only processes the following categories of Personal Data, collected through the website, as well as for the purposes, and with the grounds of legitimacy, identified below: 


Data Category  Purpose  Legitimacy 
Identification data: name and email contact and information required for registration for a given event.  When you register for a particular event/workshop/competition or when you request information through the various channels (email, telephone and platform) about events/workshops.  ESPORÃO’s legitimate interest in responding to the demonstration of will in the sharing of a particular event/workshop/competition and/or obtaining information about it and/or pre-contractual steps for registration in certain events/workshops/hobbies. 
Contact details (email), Identification data (name) and information regarding the request for information or about the complaint made.  Making a complaint  

or preparation of requests for information (e.g., about a product, on the status of the order, etc.). 

ESPORÃO’s legitimate interest in responding to complaints made. 
Contact details (email).  Subscription to newsletters and other information materials.  Consent* 
Contact details (email).  Sending commercial information (direct marketing), namely about promotions in the products and services of ESPORÃO,as well as commercial proposals.  Consent* 
Identification data: gender; name; identification document; number of taxpayers. 

Contact details: email address; phone/mobile phone; fax; address; 

Demographics: nationality. 

Respond to requests for information in legal proceedings or requests from administrative authorities or other third parties to detect and prevent fraud.  Legal obligations 
Identification data: gender; name; identification document; number of taxpayers. 

Data regarding your tastes and preferences of the products and services provided by ESPORÃO. 

Satisfaction surveys  ESPORÃO’s legitimate interest in obtaining the consumer’s perspective on its products and better power the quality of them. 


On the other hand, ESPORÃO  only processes the following categories of Personal Data collected through the website, as well as for the purposes, and with the grounds of legitimacy, identified below: 

Identification data: gender; name; identification document; number of taxpayers. 

Contact details: email address; phone/mobile phone; fax; Address. 

Demographic data: nationality; 

Online interaction data: password. 

Registration and login to the website to order products and/or to obtain information about the online store.  Legitimate interest of ESPORÃO in providing information about the products and/or pre-contractual steps in the case of an order request. 
Data relating to the order(s) placed on a given product(s/service(s): Bank details, name; identification document; number of taxpayers. 

Contact details: email address; phone/mobile phone; fax; Address. 

Demographics: nationality. 

Online interaction data: password (encrypted information that allows the system to recognize the User’s password). 

Product/service order request on the website.  Pre-contractual due diligence 
Online interaction data: password and email and data related to product acquisition.  Improvements in the products and services of ESPORÃO.  Legitimate interest of ESPORÃO in keeping the created accounts secure. 
Identification data: gender; name; identification document; number of taxpayers. 

Contact details: email address; phone/mobile phone; fax; address; 

Demographics: nationality. 


* The collection form has a field for the User to expressly indicate his/her Consent. If the User chooses to provide his/her Personal Data for such purposes, the Consent provided may be withdrawn at any time, without jeopardizing the processing previously performed. 


For the purpose of recruitment, we process the personal data sent by you, having as legal basis the continuation of the necessary pre-contractual steps at your request, the fulfillment of legal obligations, our legitimate interest in analyzing the applications submitted and, in some cases, your consent. 

Data automatically collected by the Platform: 

Browsing the Platform involves only the collection of the internet protocol address (“IP”). 

The domain server for the Platform records and stores the information that is normally recorded by definition by the server, that is, the IP by which the User had access to the Internet, the date and duration of access to the Platform, the internet address of the website that brought him directly to the Platform and the indication that the User was or did not indicate that he was of the age necessary to consume alcoholic beverages. 

This information will be used to measure the number of visits to the different areas of the Platform, to determine whether Users are of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages and to help make it more useful to Users. For more information, go to the Cookies Policy of Esporão here.

Under what circumstances do we communicate Users’ Personal Data? 

ESPORÃO uses other entities to provide certain services. If this provision of services may imply access by these entities to users’ personal data. This will be the case for suppliers or service providers of ESPORÃO (e.g., entities providing support services such as consulting professionals).   

In such cases, ESPORÃO  ensures through contracts and clauses for Personal Data Processing that any Subcontracting entity that treats the Personal Data on behalf of and on its behalf, offers guarantees of the execution of appropriate technical and organizational measures, so that the Processing meets the requirements required by the GDPR and LPDP or other law applicable to the matter, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the data, including the fulfillment of the rights of the Personal Data Subjects. 

ESPORÃO will also be able to transmit Users’ Personal Data to third parties, where they deem such communications of data as necessary or appropriate (i) in the light of applicable law, (ii) in compliance with legal obligations/court orders, (iii) to respond to requests from public or governmental authorities and other administrative authorities, (iv) when it appears necessary to comply with a legal, regulatory or other obligation, as well as (v) ensure the security of Personal Data Subjects, or otherwise prevent fraudulent conduct. 

As a rule, User Personal Data is not transferred to third countries (outside the European Union) and is kept on servers located within the European Union. However, if subcontractors transfer data to third countries, ESPORÃO will implement the necessary and appropriate measures in the light of applicable law to ensure the protection of personal data subject to such transfer, strictly complying with the legal provisions provided for in the GDPR  and LPDP  or other applicable legislation relating to such transfers. 

What is the retention period of Personal Data? 

The time period during which personal data is stored and stored varies according to the purpose for which it is used, the rule being the retention of them only for the period necessary for each purpose. There are, however, legal obligations (e.g.,  tax) that may require the retention of Personal Data for a longer period of time and, in this case, the data will be kept only for the period necessary to comply with the legal obligation imposed. 

The Personal Data collected are processed in strict compliance with applicable legislation, being stored in specific databases, created for this purpose. Such data are stored in a format that allows the identification of the Personal Data Holders. 

If the Processing is based on Consent, ESPORÃO retains your Personal Data in accordance with the Consent given and/or until such Consent is revoked. 

What are your rights as a Personal Data Subject? 

ESPORÃO guarantees users, as Personal Data Subjects and at any time, the right of access, rectification, update, limitation and deletion of their Personal Data, the right to object and the withdrawal of consent, without compromising the lawfulness of the processing carried out under that Consent, as well as the right to portability of the data: 

  • Right of access: Whenever the User requests, you can obtain confirmation about the processing carried out by ESPORÃO  to your Personal Data, namely to obtain the following information: 
    1. reasons why Personal Data is processed; 
    2. types of Personal Data that are processed; 
    3. entities to whom ESPORÃO may transmit the Personal Data; 
    4. retention period of personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria for setting that period; 
    5. rights it enjoys in relation to the Processing of Personal Data. 
  • Right of rectification: Whenever the User considers that the Personal Data (Objective Personal Data that has been provided by you) is incomplete or incorrect, it may request its rectification, or that it is completed. 
  • Right to erasure: You may request that Personal Data be deleted when one of the following occurs: 
    1. Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose that motivated its collection or processing; 
    2. when the Consent on which the Processing is based is withdrawn and there is no other legal basis for it; 
    3. where opposition to the Processing is lodged and there are no prevailing legitimate interests justifying such Processing; 
    4. when personal data has been unlawfully processed; And 
    5. personal data must be erased under a legal obligation to 

The right to the payment does not apply where the Treatment is necessary for the following purposes: 

    1. exercise of freedom of expression and information; 
    2. compliance with a legal obligation that requires the Processing; 
    3. purposes of public interest archive, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, to the extent that the exercise of the right to erasure seriously impairs the achievement of the objectives of such Processing; Or 
    4. declaration, exercise or defense of a right in judicial proceedings. 
  • Right to limitation of Processing: The limitation of the Processing allows the User to request the Controller to restrict access to certain Personal Data, or to suspend certain activities of the same. Specifically, the User may request the limitation of the Processing of Personal Data in the following cases: 
    1. if you dispute the accuracy of the Personal Data for a period of time that allows ESPORÃO  to verify that accuracy; 
    2. if ESPORÃO  no longer  requires Personal Data for a certain processing purpose; 
    3. if you have objected to the processing, unless it is found that the legitimate interests of ESPORÃO prevail over those of the User. 
  • Right to portability: The User may request the receipt of the Personal Data that he has provided, in a structured format, of current use and automatic reading. You also have the right to request that they be transmitted to another Controller, provided that this is technically possible. The right to portability applies to the following cases: 
    1. where the Processing is based on express consent or the performance of a contract; And 
    2. when the treatment in question is carried out by automated means. 
  • Right of opposition: The User has the right to oppose the Treatment in the following situations: 
    1. where the Processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Controller; 
    2. when the processing is carried out for purposes other than those for which the data was collected, but which are compatible with them; 
    3. treatment is done for direct marketing purposes. 

In such cases, ESPORÃO ceases to process personal data unless they have legitimate reasons for performing such Processing, and these prevail over the interests of users. 

  • Right to withdraw the Consent provided: In cases where the Treatment is based on legitimacy the Consent, the User may withdraw it at any time. 
  • Right to lodge complaints with the Supervisory Authority: If the User wishes to lodge any complaints regarding matters relating to the Processing of Personal Data, he/she may do so with the National Data Protection Commission, the competent Supervisory Authority in Portugal. 

For more information, you should access www.cnpd.pt. 


To deal with matters related to the protection of personal data, you should contact Esporão through one of the following ways: 


Esporão, S.A. 

Av. 441400-315 Lisboa 


+351 213 031 540 



Data collected automatically by the website

The domain server for this website only records and stores information normally registered by default by the server, e.g. the Internet Protocol Address that gives users access to the Internet; the date and duration of the user’s access to this website; the Internet address of the site that brought users directly to this website and indication whether users noted if they are of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages. This information will be used to measure the number of visitors to this website’s different sections, to determine whether users are of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages and to help us make this website more useful for users.

Personal data provided at the user’s initiative

Esporão may, in some cases, request personal data from users of the website for the following purposes:

  • Subscription to newsletters and other informative material;
  • To send promotional information on products and services of Esporão or its affiliates (Esporão Azeites, Lda; Esporão, S.A.; Esporão Vendas e Marketing, S.A.; Murças, S.A.; Sovina, Lda.)
  • To send contract proposals;
  • To include users in contests and games.

Navigation of this website does not imply the submission of personal data (except for the IP address).

If users choose to provide their personal data, Esporão will process that personal data based on their consent, which can be withdrawn at any time, without compromising the treatment carried out before the withdrawal of consent.

On the personal data collection form, Esporão will indicate using an asterisk or a similar solution, which are the mandatory fields to be filled in.

The collection form will also have a field for users to provide their express consent to process their personal data for the purposes indicated above.

Esporão confirms that it does not create consumer profiles based on the personal data collected through the website.

Officer responsible for processing personal data

In cases where personal data is submitted to Esporão, this will be the entity responsible for collecting and processing the personal data, however, reserving the right to subcontract other entities to process such data on behalf of Esporão. Esporão guarantees that all entities subcontracted to process personal data on its behalf are covered by contractual obligations in order to preserve the confidentiality of the data and compliance with the law in force.

Esporão is not obliged to appoint a Data Protection Officer pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation.

For issues regarding personal data protection, please contact Esporão through one of the following:


Esporão, S.A.

Av. do Restelo, nº 44
1400-315 Lisbon


+351 213 031 540



Security measures

Esporão is committed to ensuring the protection of the security of the personal data made available to us. Bearing in mind the great concern and commitment that Esporão reveals in the defense of privacy issues, several security measures of a technical and organizational nature have been taken, in order to protect the personal data that are made available to us against its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, treatment or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of unlawful treatment. 

All data is processed over a secure connection (128-bit SSL) that encrypts/encrypts it. The user will be able to check the security level in their browser by presenting the symbol of a lock representing a secure connection (https). 

Notwithstanding the security measures taken by Esporão, we are obliged to alert all internet users who must take additional security measures, including ensuring that you use an updated PC and Browser in terms of properly configured security patches, with active firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware, and to make sure that the websites you visit on the Internet are authentic, and should avoid sites that you do not trust. 

Personal data are treated with the level of protection legally required to ensure their security, taking into account the current state of the technology, being the user aware and accepting that internet security measures are not impregnable. 

This Privacy Policy entered into force on January 1, 2021 and is updated in accordance with the GDPR and LPDP and other applicable legislation. 

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Esporão reserves the right, at any time, to re-adjust or change its Privacy Policy, and these changes are duly advertised on this website. 

Cookies Policy

Esporão uses ‘Cookies’ on its websites to improve your user experience. 

What are cookies?

‘Cookies’ are data files that a website sends to your computer while you are visiting that same site. These data files include information that allows you to memorize important data that will make your browsing more efficient and useful. This website  uses ‘Cookies’ for various purposes, namely to obtain non-personal  data from online visitors ,check which content interests users the most, the time each user spends on the site, the time it takes to upload the content, among others 

To install certain ‘Cookies’ on your device we need your prior consent, which is why there is a warning about this when you browse the Esporão websites. This notice states that Esporão will assume that you accept the installation of ‘Cookies’ unless you tell us otherwise. 

How are Cookies used?

Visitors to this website use various computers and  web browsers.  To make your visits as simple as possible, a record of the type of browser  (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) and the operating system (e.g. Windows, Macintosh, Android) used and the domain name of your Internet service provider is automatically saved. 

The Esporão website on each visit records one or more ‘Cookies’ on the visitor’s computer, which are used to account for and personalize the visit. These Cookies do not save or collect personal information. The recording of cookies on the computer can always be controlled through the visitor’s browser. 

The refusal of ‘Cookies’ may result in the inability to access some areas of the site and the content will not be adapted to the user’s preferences. 

What kind of ‘Cookies’ do we use? 

Esporão uses the following types of Cookies on its websites: 

  • Session CookiesThese are temporary cookies that remain in your browser until you leave the site. The information they maintain allows you to securely manage the various operations performed by you during a session of access to our website. In these Cookies the following data are kept:  
    • Session Data: Code produced internally by the technological platform responsible for making the site available and that, in an encrypted manner, generates a temporary session code in order to relate the user’s equipment with an application session of this platform. 
  • Permanent Cookies: these are cookies that are stored at the browser level on your device and that are used whenever you make a new visit to the site. 

What is the function of the Cookies we use? 

Essential cookies – Some cookies are essential to access specific areas of our website. They allow you to navigate the site and use your applications, such as accessing secure areas of the site through login. Without these Cookies, certain services cannot be provided. In general, you do not need your consent to install Essential Cookies on your device when you access the website. 

In these Cookies the following data are kept: 

– User ID – Code managed by Esporão and that unequivocally identifies a user of the site. 

– User Profile – Identification of the authorization profile that is associated with UserID and that allows you to manage access to the features available on a given site. 

These essential cookies are installed for a period of 2 weeks. 

  • Analytical cookies – They are used anonymously for the purpose of creating and analyzing statistics, in order to improve the functioning of the website. 

In these cookies are kept the following data that is in the link: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/cookie-usage?hl=pt-br 


These analytical cookies are installed for different periods depending on the type of cookies recorded. You can check the periods for each cookie type in https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/cookie-usage?hl=pt-br 


  • Functionality cookies – They save the user’s preferences regarding the use of the website, so that you do not have to reconfigure the site each time you visit it. 

In these Cookies the following data are kept: 

  • _icl_current_language– Stores the current language. 
  • _icl_current_admin_language_{hash}- Stores the current language of the WordPress administration area. 
  • _icl_visitor_lang_js– Stores the redirected language. 
  • wpml_browser_redirect_test– Tests whether cookies are enabled. 
  • wpml_referer_url– Stores the last REQUESTED URL on the front end. 
  • wpml_admin_referer_url– Stores the last REQUESTED URL in the administration area. 


On the montevelho.com website we additionally use the following cookies:

  • analytics_storage – Enables storage (such as cookies) related to analytics e.g. visit duration.
  • ad_storage – Enables storage (such as cookies) related to advertising.
  • ad_personalization – Sets consent for personalized advertising. 
  • ad_user_data – Sets consent for sending user data related to advertising to Google.


These functionality cookies are installed until the user clears the cookies from their browser. 

Cookies and social media plug-ins (social buttons)

These social cookies are intended to allow users to share pages and content through third-party social networks.  

Our site also uses plug-ins or social buttons. 

Social plug-ins make it easy to share pages and website content on various social platforms. For example, they allow you to share information from our site with your friends on social networks. 

To this end, plug-ins use session cookies to verify the user  with  these  platforms,  thus validating whether or not they are connected to the social network during browsing. 

For more information on the use of personal data in relation to social networks, the privacy policies of the social networks of the third parties concerned can be consulted. 

What if the user does not want to accept cookies? 

If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can configure your computer at any time to be notified whenever a Cookie is being sent or disable and block all Cookies through your browser. 

You should check your browser’s “help” menu to find out how best to change or update your Cookies. 

For more information about Cookies and how to prevent them from being installed or how to delete existing Cookies from your hard drive, you may visit the following website: http://www.allaboutcookies.org. 

Google Analytics browser opt-out: 

To provide visitors with more choice about how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google has developed the Google Analytics Browser Opt-out Add-on. The add-on communicates with Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that information about your website visit should not be sent to Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser extra does not prevent information from being sent to the website itself or to other web analytics services. Learn more about Google Analytics Opt-out Extra Brower.