
Harvest Tempo

Harvest Tempo

At the moment, the grape harvest dictates what happens at Herdade do Esporão and Quinta dos Murças. Throughout the year, we have been working towards this moment, when we finally see the result of all our dedication. This is a time of great effort and work but also one of togetherness and celebration. Here, you can follow us through the vineyards, into the wineries and many other places our grapes visit, until they become wine. You can also discover the faces and many hands involved in the grape harvest. Without them, none of this would be possible.


29 September 2017 - Herdade do Esporão e Quinta dos Murças

The harvest has come to an end

O ano seco e quente antecipou o início das vindimas. Hoje, após quase dois meses de trabalho, na Quinta dos Murças (Douro) e na Herdade do Esporão (Alentejo) terminámos a colheita, com uvas de qualidade. Os nossos enólogos estão confiantes para as próximas etapas. Agora é deixar os vinhos repousar e evoluir. // A dry and hot year made us antecipate the harvest. Today, almost two months later, it has come to an end, both at Quinta dos Murças (Douro) and Herdade do Esporão (Alentejo), with quality grapes. Our enologists are confident for the next steps. Now, it's time to let the wines rest and mature. #istoéesporão #thisisesporao #VindimasEsporão2017 #HarvestEsporao2017 #vindimas2017 #grapeharvest #harvest #EsporãonoAlentejo #EsporãonoDouro #EsporaoinAlentejo #EsporaoinDouro #Alentejo #Douro

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22 September 2017 - Herdade do Esporão

From Uruguai to Alentejo, Portugal

“Já há algum tempo que tinha vontade de fazer uma vindima na Europa. Tinha o contacto da enóloga Sandra Alves, por isso, enviei-lhe o meu currículo. É a minha primeira vez em Portugal e está a ser uma óptima experiência, apesar do grande calor que ainda se faz sentir. Tenho aprendido e trabalhado com processos que para mim são novos, como a vinificação em talhas e em túlipas de betão. Também já fiz pisa a pé, que nunca tinha feito antes. Todos dizem que esta época é um pouco “louca” mas eu gosto disto, da rotina, do trabalho. É um vício dos bons. No regresso, daqui da Herdade do Esporão levo grandes ensinamentos e bons momentos para recordar” Gabriel Fernández, Montevideo, Uruguai // “I had wanted to be involved in a grape harvest in Europe for some time. I had the contact of the winemaker Sandra Alves, so I sent her my CV. It’s my first time in Portugal and it’s been a great experience, despite the hot weather still felt here. I have learned a lot and worked with processes that are new to me, like vinification in talhas (clay amphorae) and in concrete, tulip-shaped tanks. I have also trodden grapes, which I’d never done before. Everyone tells me that this period is a little “mad” but I like it, the routine, the work. It’s a good vice to have. When I go home, with me I will take a lot of knowledge and special moments to recall from Herdade do Esporão” Gabriel Fernández, Montevideo, Uruguay #istoéesporão #thisisesporao #herdadedoesporão #grapeharvest #harvest #vindima2017 #VindimasEsporão2017 #HarvestEsporão2017 #people #pessoas #retrato #portrait

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4 September 2017 - Herdade do Esporão


From a small vineyard plot in Granja-Amareleja, one of Alentejo’s sub-region, with more than 80 years, have arrived these ‘Diagalves’ grapes (portuguese grape variety). Or, as they call it here, since they were tradicionally hanged for later consumption at the table, the “Pendura” (hanging). It’s a unique raw material that goes straight to our amphorae.
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1 September 2017 - Herdade do Esporão

Discovering each wine

It’s morning at Herdade do Esporão and our winemakers taste all the collected samples. Even at the initial phase of the process, it is possible to identify the most obvious characteristics of each wine and assess its potential. After taking all the necessary notes, decisions are taken that steer each wine towards the desired profile. This tasting produces the day’s worksheet, which indicates what to do next at the winery.

29 August 2017 - Quinta dos Murças

Grape by grape

“During the grape harvest, my day starts in the vineyards. Tasting the grapes is the best way of assessing ripeness and setting the harvest date. It’s the most difficult decision to make, whether to wait or begin the harvest. It depends a lot on the individual plot, the grape variety, but most of all, it depends on what we believe to be the best expression of that particular terroir” José Luís Moreira da Silva, winemaker at Quinta dos Murças, Douro

29 August 2017 - Quinta dos Murças

It’s harvest time in the Douro

The grape harvest has also started earlier than usual at Quinta dos Murças, in the Douro. The first boxes of red grapes arrive at the winery and the best grapes are carefully selected from the sorting table for Assobio Rosé.

18 August 2017 - Herdade do Esporão

The first interns arrive

Da Grécia, do Uruguai e mesmo aqui do Alentejo, começam a chegar à Herdade do Esporão os primeiros estagiários desta vindima. As próximas semanas vão ser de muito trabalho e tempo passado na adega. Para que tudo corra como planeado é preciso conhecerem-se bem as máquinas e os processos e, por isso, o Inácio, nosso adegueiro chefe, encarrega-se de mostrar como tudo funciona. // The first interns are starting to arrive at Esporão's Estate, coming from Greece, Uruguay, and even from here, in the Alentejo. Next weeks will be of a lot of work and time spent in the winery. So that everything goes according to plan it is necessary to know well the machines and processes, therefore, Inácio, our winery chief, shows them how everything works. #istoéesporão #thisisesporao #VindimasEsporão2017 #HarvestEsporao2017 #adega #winery

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16 August 2017 - Herdade do Esporão

Harvest Programme

É com alegria que recebemos as vindimas e quem a nós se queira juntar nesta época. Até dia 30 de Setembro, aproveite o programa de vindimas da Herdade do Esporão para usufruir de uma experiência vitivinícola completa: desde a colheita, às caves e adegas, terminando num almoço na Sala dos Petiscos. Mais informações no site (link na bio) ou através do e-mail reservas@web.prod.esporao.veks.net // With a smile on our face, we welcome the harvest and all those who wish to join us these days. Until September 30th, grab the opportunity of having a full 'winery experience', at Herdade do Esporão: from vintage, through the wineries and cellars, ending in lunch at Sala dos Petiscos. More info on our website (link in bio) or via e-mail reservas@web.prod.esporao.veks.net #istoéesporão #thisisesporão #VindimasEsporão2017 #HarvestEsporao2017 #vintage #harvest #vindimas

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7 August 2017 - Herdade do Esporão

The harvest has begun at Esporão’s Estate

The sounds, aromas and agitation anounce the begining of the harvest at Herdade do Esporão. It’s time to celebrate a years’ work by collecting its fruits. Let’s do this.

3 August 2017 - Herdade do Esporão

We’re ready

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29 September 2017

The harvest has come to an end

4 September 2017


1 September 2017

Discovering each wine

29 August 2017

Grape by grape

18 August 2017

The first interns arrive

16 August 2017

Harvest Programme

3 August 2017

We’re ready

4 October 2016

Touriga Franca

4 October 2016

On the final straight

29 September 2016

Waiting for the sun to rise

27 September 2016

With Duarte Belo at the Quinta

26 September 2016

Grape treading into the night

22 September 2016

Vertical Press

20 September 2016

Global grape treading

12 September 2016

The art of grape picking

9 September 2016

Grape treading

4 September 2016

Nisa’s first harvest

1 September 2016

Seasonal nuts

31 August 2016

The sun dial

31 August 2016

Selection: grape by grape

30 August 2016

Daily meeting

29 August 2016

Morning at the winery

23 August 2016

Night shifts

22 August 2016

Plot 38

20 August 2016

The way

19 August 2016


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