Trying to imagine the places where a label will be present is an endless process. A label is an artwork that is transported, exported, ignored, but it could also be a detail that stands out, and it could even be a deciding factor at the moment of purchasing a wine. “I researched and examined a lot of wine labels, and it is very hard to understand the reasoning behind every choice and their inspiration. It was interesting to think and imagine that place – what it is and what it will be. Thinking about all of this is very interesting for someone who is doing an exercise like this.”
The label for Esporão Reserva White is part of a set of six designs that the artist considers just one piece of art – a story divided into many parts. When we look at this picture in particular, an image of Dionysius (god of wine in Greek mythology) stands out in the middle, embedded among images that represent the winemaking process. “The process of making wine appears as a forced, repetitive mark, and there is a kind of web holding the inventor, Dionysius. The choice of colours was a matter of personal taste and also the possibility of choosing paint, mixing colours and creating contrasts. The pencil had to be a different colour in order for its colour to overlap.”